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Welcome to Living Studio E.C.P.

(Emotion Converting Plant)

We  offer you very good sound that is second to none! Mastering of various styles of music have been our passion for many years. We have perfected our methods which results in sound that is strong, balanced and spatious. 

You will also find here a lot of useful information and articles on music production, history of synthesizers and much more!

Living Studio Emotion Converting Plant stands for exactly what we do - we convert human emotions into music, making it much more enjoyable to human ear. Such improvement in quality of any music gives it more listening pleasure over regular, unmastered, or poorly mastered tracks.

Above all, we care for that special vibe that gives the sound valor of being convicingly alive. We belive musicians' cost and effort in recordig their music deserves only the best in final touch that is mastering.


A few words about us...

There are many recording and mastering studios out there. At the same time, more and more people create music at home, using computer and software. It is quite possible to get very good sound if you really care for it and put a lot of work into it and know, what you do.

Then why should you send your material to us?

- Experience

We have more than 15 years of experience on that field. During that time we worked on just about every genre of music from classical to hip hop to voice to trash metal. This, and the level of dedication we put into making of each track makes us a very reasonable choice.

At Living Studio ECP Studio we have developed the Analogization 3D process, which gives digital tracks highly demanded character of top class analog devices. We use that process during  mastering music and also remastering of finished albums and it gives truly outstanding results. Analogization 3D is unique and it delivers fantastic, loud, round, warm and full sound.

Here are some examples of quality remastering with Ana 3D used.

NONA 3D Mastering

sample ECP Media Studio Analogization 3D Hip-Hop>>

sample ECP Media Studio Analogization 3D Funk>>



We use the latest , most acclaimed studio systems and hardware, reference quality custom monitoring systems, and  above all hi experience and dedication level which enable us to provide our clients with superior sound quality emphasizing their work.   

                  Our work includes, among others:

-mastering the whole CD albums using ANA 3D technique
-mastering single tracks
-mastering voice recordings and radio and TV broadcasts
-vocal mastering (acapella, e.g. arias)
-mastering film soundtracks and sounds for computer games
-remastering older recordings, noise and hum removal
-restoring old or faulty recording bringing them to the wholly new quality
-recording the whole new projects from scratch

We carry out high-class mastering (improving quality of audio tracks) at 
competitive and attractive prices. But our goal is not selling the price - we always concentrate on uncompromised quality.  

Our motto is: “No matter how well done it is, we can do it better!”. 

For questions and prices please contact us at: 

tel: +48 666 11 333 0







Here is more detailed description of the NONA 3D mastering steps we apply to each recording:   

1 Playback of the material using reference audio system. Thorough analysis of tonal balance, panorama, mix proportions and overall quality of sound.  Also sonic spectrum, phase problems at average and maximum level are analyzed.  After such analysis the recording is compared to best recordings of today's music to see what should be done and how things can be improved to make it sound like references. 

2 Transfer of the material to hi definition format of 24 bit 88,2 khz in order to eliminate all the errors possible during processing. In digital domain resolution in which we work has big importance because of errors, which cumulate when the material of low resolution is being processed. It happens, because the lower resolutions have shorter sequence of zeros and ones (called digital word)  which describe a single sample. Therefore low resolution cuts off what can not be described by short digital words. Cumulating of errors repeats every time  when we do any processing to the material, even when we just change the volume. Using the high resolution eliminates the errors which happen during low resolution processing.

3 Correction of sound spectrum as needed. We also use such devices as analogue eq or top class reel to reel tape deck.

4 Dynamic balance. Dynamics of the recording is the difference between the most quiet and the loudest moments and also between momentary impulses (called transients) and average level.  Typically best results are obtained with use of relatively big dynamic differences, even for the music such as heavy metal rock. Too much compression causes loss of punch and strength of the recording and also the definition of sound. From the other hand if the differences in dynamics are too big the recording lacks roundness and level. Therefore the main aim of this step is  to obtain ideal dynamic coherency.

5 Correction of phase and panorama of the recording. It is very important because it makes sound much more natural and detailed.

6 Touches on ambient content of the recording using reverb on certain frequencies, as needed. Dry recordings never sound good. Adding the right amount of ambience at certain frequencies makes it sound much better and natural.   

7 Final setting the best sonic balance between the bass, middle and the hi end of recording.

8 Working up the highest level possible without destroying the sound quality and artistic credo. The level is an important factor in perception of a recording. Even very well arranged and produced song can lose some of it's impact if it is too quiet. We use optimum methods to reach hi level without any sonic compromise.

9 Hi quality dithering. The dithering hcan have big influence on sound.  The right dithering lets us perceive digital sound as more transparent.  It emphasizes the details especially in quiet passages, such as reverb tails and other sonic nuances like distant backgrounds or synthesizer pads. It gives significant improvement to the quality of recording.   



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Living Studio ECP